Test Kubernetes

Test Kubernetes with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

February 2024
12 minutes

Description of the test

This technical MCQ satisfies devops and developers wishing to assess their understanding of Kubernetes, the platform for automating the deployment, scaling and implementation of application containers on server clusters.

Why this test?

Many of us have participated in already established Kubernetes projects. Most say they are competent or experts on a Kubernetes subject (secrets, ingress, etc.). But few of us are capable of writing .yaml files, deploying and monitoring Kubernetes clusters on our own.

It is good to recall essential concepts that we have forgotten.

Overview of MCQ content

  • general knowledge of Kubernetes: origin of the name, nested Kubernetes components
  • comparison of differences with other container orchestration platforms
  • command line kubectl
  • terminologies
  • no trap on words similar to the letter.

Whether you get it right or wrong, most questions with nuance have an explanation.

This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 20 questions in Kubernetes.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
⚠️ Ranking results of all timemay not be relevant because the test has not been taken enough times yet.
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Test author : Raymond Chenon

Raymond worked as an Android developer (Euro-Million, Mappy, Webedia...).
At Zalando he started the Android application which won Best Award on Google Play. Then on the backend in Java, Kotlin, Scala, Python hosted on AWS and Kubernetes.
With his passion for the Cloud, he joined Zenika Paris, where he worked in banks in the Cloud Kubernetes and serverless world. He realized that DevOps coaches don't know everything.
Today, he is self-employed.
He has spoken at conferences Devfest, DroidCon. He is president of a public speaking association

More about me

Do not hesitate to contact me here for your projects.

My stackoverflow here

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Sample question

You use kubectl to configure your cluster.
Where does kubectl command store its configuration file ?

See 20 test questions.

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